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Rabbi Yair Silverman to Serve as Coordinator for IRF Vaad HaGiyur

November 10, 2013

The IRF is pleased to announce that Rabbi Yair Silverman, Rabbi of Moed in Zichron Yaacov, will be assuming the role of Giyur Coordinator for the IRF.

Rabbi Silverman has been actively involved in conversion for many years and has led close to 100 candidates to lives of Torah and mitzvot as Jews. 

He works closely with the Rabbanut Beth Din in Israel and was a senior Dayan in his regional Beth Din in North America before his Aliyah in 2006. In his capacity as IRF Giyur coordinator, he will assist and support the IRF rabbis in the field as they engage in the sacred work of conversion. 

Rabbi Silverman is replacing our founding Giyur Coordinator Rabbi Zev Farber, who has stepped down from this position. We are thankful to Rabbi Farber for the critically important work he did on behalf of the IRF over the past many years. We are thankful as well to Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbi Joel Tessler, the chairs of our Va’ad HaGiyur, who now will of course be working closely with Rabbi Silverman.

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