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IRF Strenuously Objects to Chief Rabbinate’s Characterization of Rabbi Avi Weiss

January 2, 2014

The International Rabbinic Fellowship expresses its shock and anger over the Israeli Chief Rabbinate‘s casting aspersions upon Rabbi Avi Weiss’ fidelity to Halacha.

Rabbi Weiss has been a distinguished leader within the American Orthodox community for decades, leading numerous Orthodox institutions, inspiring and teaching tens of thousands, and bringing multitudes closer to Torah and to their heritage. His mesirat nefesh (self-sacrifice) on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel is legendary. His commitment to Halacha in his personal life and in his communal leadership is absolute, and any suggestion to the contrary is nothing less than slanderous. 

We look forward to the Chief Rabbinate recognizing its error, reversing its position, and creating broader and more reliable systems for determining the trustworthiness of American Orthodox rabbis.

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