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IRF Mourns Victims of Orlando Shooting

June 14, 2016

The International Rabbinic Fellowship, an organization of more than 200 Modern-Orthodox spiritual and communal leaders, expresses its deep shock, sorrow and pain at the cold-blooded murder of 49 people by a home-grown supporter of the Islamic State in Syria at a gay night club in Orlando, FL.

We stand in solidarity with our fellow Americans and decent people from all faith communities who are sickened and outraged at another incident of horrific gun violence and act of hate in our country. 

We stand in solidarity with our LGBT brothers and sisters who are experiencing pain, fear and vulnerability at this moment in time. We support the efforts of law enforcement to prevent these horrific crimes and reject all calls to tar the entire Muslim community as supporting these dastardly deeds. 

We call on all people of good will to work in their own communities to fight prejudice, hate and demonization of the other. 

We offer our condolences and prayers to the families of the victims and may God help bind up their wounds as they mourn the tragic deaths of their loved ones.

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