IRF Mourns the Passing of Rabbi Yehuda Herzl Henkin zt"l
December 24, 2020
The International Rabbinic Fellowship together with the whole house of Israel mourns the passing of Rabbi Yehuda Herzl Henkin zt"l at the age of 75 in Jerusalem. R. Henkin was one of the leading poskim (halakhic decisors) of the Modern-Orthodox community, a towering and courageous talmid chacham and a halakhic address for many members of the IRF.
Rabbi Yehuda Henkin was the author of four rich volumes of halachic questions and answers, Responsa Bnei Banim, the Torah commentary Hibah Yeteirah, and more than a hundred articles in periodicals and journals. Born in Pennsylvania, he later attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and Columbia University. He studied Torah intensively for six years with his grandfather, the famous posek Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin, zt"l, from whom he received rabbinical semikha.
Following his aliya to Israel in 1972, Rabbi Henkin served as the Rabbi of the Beit Shean Valley prior to moving to Jerusalem. Rabbi Henkin served as the Halachic Authority for Nishmat, and its entire Yoatzot Halakha programs.
R. Henkin's responsa dealt with a wide range of issues in all areas of Jewish law, including the laws of shabbat, halakhic dilemmas in the army and medical ethics. He made particular contributions in furthering the halakhic discussions around women's role in the synagogue, ritual life and place in society. This work was made available to the broader public as he translated many of those responsa into English.
May his wife, Rabbanit Chana Henkin, and his entire family be comforted by the Almighty amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.