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IRF Expresses Its Support for LGBTQ+ Members of Our Community

September 07, 2022

The International Rabbinic Fellowship, a membership organization of several hundred Orthodox rabbis, communal scholars, clergy and educators, affirms that LGBTQ+ Jews are treasured and beloved members of our schools, shuls, and families.

We daven and learn Torah together and share Shabbat and Yom Tov tables. As our community reinforces our eternal commitment to Torah and Mitzvot we do so with those who identify as indispensable members.

People who identify as LGBTQ+ are members of every contemporary Orthodox community. It is our responsibility and opportunity as leaders to include, recognize, and support them in their pursuit of Torah and Mitzvot, which will help LGBTQ+ individuals remain an active part of the Orthodox community and feel a sense of full belonging.

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